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online plant store

Featured Plants

Piper Ornatum

Pretty in Pink🌸Metalic pink speckles, that are sure to catch your eye.

Blue Butterfly Bush

A tough and hardy shrub with beautiful delicate florals. 🦋

Pelonia Repens

Intresting snake like foliage. 🐍

Blog posts

Are you a Bromeliad lover? Then you'll adore our assortment of Neoregelia!

Are you a Bromeliad lover? Then you'll adore our assortment of Neoregelia!

Neoregelia are a hardy and versatile houseplant! They are a great choice for beginner and advanced gardeners alike. Dive into this in-depth guide to see if Neoregelia are the plant for you!
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Looking to keep your garden colourful this summer?

Looking to keep your garden colourful this summer?

Don't pass up on Coreopsis! It's a hardy and versatile option for any cottage-style garden. Novice and advanced gardeners alike will adore this plant! Take a look inside this blog for tips and tricks on how to plant and care for Coreopsis!

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Here's one of the EASIEST houseplants! - A Rhipsalis Care Guide

Here's one of the EASIEST houseplants! - A Rhipsalis Care Guide

Rhipsalis are a great option for all levels of gardeners! They're a low maintenance, unique houseplant that looks stunning in any home. Here's a quick guide on how to take care of your new Rhipsalis!
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