Tradescantia 101: A comprehensive spiderwort care guide!

Plant of the Day - 31st March 2023

Botanical Name


Common Name

Spiderwort, Inchplant

Plant Type



Tradescantia, often called 'Spiderwort' or 'Inch plant', are hardy, creeping houseplants. Most varieties feature the colour purple - be it accentuated on their foliage or colouring their blooms, purple remains a commonality between the many variations of Tradescantia. These plants can be grown both indoors and outdoors but prefer a partially shaded or completely shaded position. Their attractive foliage makes them a popular indoor feature plant, especially when positioned to cascade from hanging baskets or off shelves.

Tradescantia fluminensis

This variety features bright green leaves striped with a creamy white and purple tinged underside.

Tradescantia tricolour

The tricolour variety has smaller oval green leaves heavily accented in cream and purple.

Tradescantia zebrina

Vibrant purple foliage with green and silver accents characterise this variety.

Tradescantia sillamontana

More commonly called the 'Cobweb Spiderwort', this variety has silver wooly textured foliage.

Care Guide

Planting. Tradescantia need well-draining soil and good drainage. Most potting mixes are suitable and if more drainage is required you can mix in pearlite or sand. As your plant grows, we recommend pinching back the long vines to increase the fullness.

Environment. These plants are versatile in their environmental capabilities - they can be grown indoors and outdoors and can withstand most temperatures. When planted outdoors, they require a shady position with bright, indirect light. Under patios sheltered from the sun is a great option. Although Tradescantia can tolerate most temperatures, keep them out of the air-conditioning!

Lighting. Tradescantia require bright, indirect light to ensure they keep their vibrancy. If positioned in an area with insufficient light, you may notice your tradescantia losing its bright foliage colours.

Watering. Like most plants, Tradescantia need well-draining soil and regular watering. They prefer to be kept slightly moist - you can check this by inserting your finger into the soil to feel the dampness. In summer, weekly watering is recommended.

Online nursery
Height: 22cm
Width: 50cm
Succulent plants
Foliage Colour: Purple, Green, White, Variegated
Flower Colour: Lavender

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